1 - 0
Logo PSV
Logo Manchester United FC



  • Start of the match
  • End of the first half
  • Start of the second half
  • Goal PSV: Robin van Duiven 26'
  • End of the match



PSV speelt om 14:30 tegen Manchester United. De wedstrijd begint zonder grote kansen, maar PSV is in de eerste vijf minuten iets sterker. In de 3e minuut krijgt PSV een goede mogelijkheid om op voorsprong te komen. Nummer 27, Sven van der Plas, krijgt ruimte in het centrum en dringt door naar de linkerkant van het strafschopgebied, waarna hij een schot op doel lost. Helaas mist het schot kracht, waardoor Cameron Byrne-Hughes eenvoudig kan redden.

Direct daarna, in de 6e minuut, creëert PSV opnieuw een kans. Een voorzet vanaf de rechterkant wordt echter naast geschoten. Naarmate de wedstrijd vordert, wordt Manchester United wat sterker en krijgen ze enkele kansen, die allemaal worden geneutraliseerd door de defensie van PSV.

Manchester United zet PSV goed onder druk, maar de jongens van Adam Lawrence weten zich er goed onderuit te voetballen. Toch is er aan beide kanten sprake van slordig balverlies. PSV krijgt nog een kans wanneer Jairo Beerens zichzelf vrijspeelt met een mooie dribbel, maar zijn schot op doel is niet ver genoeg in de hoek om de keeper van Manchester United echt uit te dagen. Beide teams gaan met een 0-0 stand de rust in.

De tweede helft begint met een schot op doel in de 25e minuut van Jairo Beerens, dat knap wordt gered door Cameron Byrne-Hughes. Een minuut later is het echter raak voor PSV: Robin van Duiven schiet de voorzet van Benjamin Khaderi binnen, een uitstekende voorzet vanaf de rechterkant.

Manchester United geeft niet op en gaat in de aanval. Amir Ibragimov schiet de bal op de lat, waarna de rebound erin gaat, maar de goal wordt afgekeurd wegens buitenspel. Het spel gaat op en neer, en in de 35e minuut krijgt PSV een goede kans in een overtal situatie. Ze spelen dit echter niet goed uit, en de bal wordt met een wild schot hoog over geschoten.

De keeper van Manchester United, Cameron Byrne-Hughes, schiet de bal snel naar voren, waar Amir Ibragimov klaarstaat. Hij gaat alleen op de keeper en verdediger Samuel Gomez af. Ibragimov wint het duel met Gomez en gaat alleen op de keeper af, maar zijn schot wordt goed gered door Roy Steur.

In de resterende speelminuten gebeurt er weinig, en er zijn nauwelijks kansen. De wedstrijd eindigt in een 1-0 overwinning voor PSV.


PSV faced Manchester United at 14:30 in a closely contested match. The game started without major chances, but PSV appeared slightly stronger in the opening five minutes. In the 3rd minute, PSV had a good opportunity to take the lead. Sven van der Plas, wearing number 27, found space in the center and made his way to the left side of the penalty area, unleashing a shot on goal. Unfortunately, the shot lacked power, allowing Cameron Byrne-Hughes to make an easy save.

Just moments later, in the 6th minute, PSV created another chance with a cross from the right, but the shot went wide. As the game progressed, Manchester United grew stronger and managed to create some chances, but PSV’s defense successfully neutralized them.

Manchester United applied pressure on PSV, but Adam Lawrence's boys managed to play their way out of it. However, there was sloppy ball handling on both sides. PSV had another chance when Jairo Beerens freed himself with a nice dribble, but his shot was not far enough into the corner to seriously challenge Manchester United’s keeper. The first half ended in a 0-0 stalemate.

The second half began with a shot on goal in the 25th minute by Jairo Beerens, which was impressively saved by Cameron Byrne-Hughes. A minute later, PSV finally broke the deadlock: Robin van Duiven scored from a perfect cross by Benjamin Khaderi, who delivered an excellent ball from the right side.

Manchester United did not give up and launched an attack. Amir Ibragimov hit the crossbar, and while the rebound was put into the net, the goal was disallowed for offside. The game continued to be a back-and-forth affair, and in the 35th minute, PSV had a good opportunity during a numerical advantage. However, they squandered it, with the ball being wildly shot over the bar.

Manchester United’s keeper, Cameron Byrne-Hughes, quickly sent the ball forward to Amir Ibragimov, who raced toward the goal with defender Samuel Gomez trying to stop him. Ibragimov won the duel with Gomez and went one-on-one with the keeper, but his shot was well saved by Roy Steur.

In the remaining minutes, there was little action, and few chances were created. The match ended in a 1-0 victory for PSV.


PSV - Manchester United FC
17 August 2024
Main pitch
1 - 0
  1. It’s been a proper battle these last few minutes as both sides fight it out at both ends of the pitch

  2. That’s it - PSV beat Manchester United 1-0

  3. End of the match

  4. Another chance for PSV as Elvic Mukena slams a ball into the side netting. Just over 5 minutes left to play.

  5. Manuel Bahaty drives the ball through the middle of pitch, lays it off to Rivas Manuhutu who strikes hard, but it sails over the top of the goal.

  6. With 7 minutes left to play, the game is really heating up with some end to end football with both teams trying to make sure they get through to the next round.

  7. Jack Fletcher hits the post for United, it’s followed up and smashed into the back of the net off the underside of the goal…but… offside!

  8. A chance for Jairo Beerens as he strikes a ball to try and find a second goal for PSV, but it’s collected easily by the United keeper

  9. Robin van Duiven Breaks the deadlock! A cross in from the left handside from Benjamin Khaderi is slotted past the United keeper and PSV now lead this tie.

  10. Goal

    Robin van Duiven
  11. Jayce Fitzgerald receives a yellow card and is off the pitch for the next 4 minutes; Manchester United are down to 10 men.

  12. Yellow card

    Jayce Fitzgerald

  13. Freekick to Manchester United, James Scanlon stands over the ball just on the edge of the box, but its chased down by PSV and comes to nothing.

  14. Yellow card

    Sven van der Plas

  15. Back underway and from the off PSV look to grab a goal, Robin van Duiven crosses the ball in to Gino Verhulst but it goes over the top of the posts. It remains 0-0

  16. Start of the second half

  17. End of the first half

  18. Both sides have been fighting hard but it’s half time here on the main pitch and it’s goalless between PSV and Manchester United.

  19. A shot from Jairo Beerens from just inside the Manchester United is hit low and hard, but it’s straight into the hands of the goalkeeper

  20. We’re just over the half way point way into the first half this game now and no one has yet broken the deadlock, but both teams are fighting strongly - PSV are getting forward and Manchester United defending just as hard.

  21. Elvic Mukena gets just in front of a United defender and gets a shot away, but it’s wide of the bottom right hand corner.

  22. It’s a strong start from PSV as Sven van der Plas tests the United keeper Cameron Byrne-Hughes, who manages to keep the ball out the back of the net

  23. We’re underway on the main pitch with Manchester United playing in their blue strip snd PSV playing in home colours of red and white

  24. Start of the match

  25. Line-up Manchester United: Cameron Byrne-Hughes, Jaydan Kamason, Godwill Kukonki, Dan Armer, Jacob Devaney, Bendito Mantato, Jayce Fitzgerald, Gabriele Biancheri, Jack Fletcher, James Scanlon

  26. Line-up from PSV: Roy Steur, Eus Waayers, Samuel Gomez, Sven van der Plas, Manuel Bahaty, Rivas Manuhutu, Gino Verhulst, Benjamin Khaderi, Elvic Mukena, Jaden De Guzman and Sébas Ditmer.

  27. Kickoff

    Match is scheduled for Saturday 17 August 2024 at 14:30 h
