0 - 2
Logo FC Copenhagen
Logo FC Utrecht



  • Start of the match
  • End of the first half
  • Start of the second half
  • Goal FC Utrecht: Jessey Sneijder 30'
  • Goal FC Utrecht: Viggo Plantinga 31'
  • End of the match


Voor FC Utrecht en FC Copenhagen begon de dag zoals deze gisteren eindigde. In de kruisfinales om plek 5 t/m 8 stonden de beide clubs wederom tegenover elkaar.

In de beginfase van de wedstrijd was FC Copenhagen de bovenliggende partij. De Denen drongen FC Utrecht terug en waren ook gevaarlijk, maar onder meer Jönsson en Daramy (2x) misten precisie in de afwerking. Halverwege de eerste helft was daar FC Utrecht met de eerste grote kans. Amir Saleh was dichtbij, maar zijn schot belandde net naast het doel van Copenhagen-doelman Breum-Harild. In het restant van de eerste helft kwam FC Utrecht beter in het spel, maar viel weinig kansen meer te noteren voor beide ploegen.

Met nog tien minuten op de klok was het FC Utrecht dat de leiding nam. Jessey Sneijder rondde beheerst af voor de Domstedelingen. Niet langer daarna verdubbelde FC Utrecht de score. Na een mooie aanval was het linksback Plantinga die de bal tegen de touwen werkte. FC Copenhagen zette hierna aan en was via William Noerlev dichtbij de aansluitingstreffer. Zijn voorzet belandde echter niet bij een medespeler. FC Utrecht was nog dichtbij een derde treffer, maar het schot van Shedrach Ebite ging rakelings voorlangs. Gescoord werd er niet meer in de wedstrijd, waardoor FC Utrecht met de winst aan de haal ging. Zij gaan nu spelen om plek 5, FC Copenhagen gaat later vandaag de strijd aan om plek 7.

For FC Utrecht and FC Copenhagen, the day began just as it ended yesterday, with both clubs facing off once again in the cross-finals for 5th to 8th place.

In the early stages of the match, FC Copenhagen was the dominant side. The Danes pushed Utrecht back and created several dangerous opportunities, but Jönsson and Daramy (twice) lacked precision in their finishing. Midway through the first half, FC Utrecht had their first major chance. Amir Saleh came close, but his shot narrowly missed the goal of Copenhagen goalkeeper Breum-Harild. As the first half continued, Utrecht grew into the game, though neither team managed to create any significant chances.

With ten minutes left on the clock, FC Utrecht took the lead. Jessey Sneijder calmly finished to put the Domstedelingen ahead. Not long after, FC Utrecht doubled their lead. Following a well-executed attack, left-back Plantinga found the back of the net. FC Copenhagen responded and came close to pulling one back through William Noerlev, but his cross failed to find a teammate. FC Utrecht nearly scored a third goal, but Shedrach Ebite's shot went just wide.

No more goals were scored in the match, meaning FC Utrecht secured the victory. They will now play for 5th place, while FC Copenhagen will compete for 7th place later today.


FC Copenhagen - FC Utrecht
18 August 2024
Pitch 1
0 - 2
  1. End of the match

  2. Shedrach Ebite goes inside the 16-meter and shoots with his left foot, but curls the ball just wide of the goal.

  3. William Noerlev shoots the ball just short of Mees Eppink's goal. FC Copenhagen stepped up the pressure.

  4. Frederik Petersen tries to shoot the ball beautifully over the goalkeeper, who is far from his goal. Unfortunately, no goal.

  5. And then suddenly it's 2-0. In short order, Jessey Sneijder and Viggo Plantinga score for FC Utrecht with just under 10 minutes to go.

  6. Goal

    Viggo Plantinga
  7. Goal

    Jessey Sneijder
  8. FC Copenhagen chance through Victor Dadason, but unfortunately was offside.

  9. Both teams came out of halftime strong with up and down threats.

  10. Start of the second half

  11. End of the first half

  12. Gustav Arcos Sundqvist shoots the ball at the FC Utrecht post.

  13. FC Utrecht comes better into the match and gets more threat to the FC Copenhagen goal.

  14. First big chance for FC Utrecht through Amir Saleh. The ball is crossed neatly but shoots wide of the goal.

  15. In the first minutes of the match, it is FC Copenhagen that has possession of the ball and gets the first chances.

  16. First dangerous attacks from FC Copenhagen by Abdul Daramy.

  17. Start of the match

  18. Line-up from FC Copgenhagen: Tobias Breum-Harild, Sylvester Engelhardt, Christoffer Daluiso, Tristan Panduro, William Noerlev, Ozzy Neo Jönsson, Aske Bang, Liam West, David Katlego Hansen, Frederik Petersen and Abdul Daramy.

  19. Line-up from FC Utrecht: Mees Eppink, Viggo Plantinga, Jahlani Fonteni, Torben Bos, Brian van den Boogaard, Jessey Sneijder, Noe Misumi, Shedrach Ebite, Amir Saleh, Gustav Arcos Sundqvist and Jaygo van Ommeren.

  20. Kickoff

    Match is scheduled for Sunday 18 August 2024 at 09:30 h
